Safety Tips

Propane Consumer Information

Propane is a versatile energy source used by more than 14 million families in and around their homes for furnaces, water heaters, cooktops, outdoor grills, fireplaces, generators, and other appliances. Propane is helping Americans shrink their carbon footprint by providing a "green" solution for the environmentally conscious consumer. Propane delivers a clean, cost-effective, efficient and reliable energy solution.

Propane Safety Tips for Your Home

General Tips

  • To readily recognize a leak, know what propane smells like. Propane retailers have pamphlets available with a scratch-and-sniff spot so that your entire family can recognize the smell. Propane leak detectors, similar to carbon monoxide detectors, are available. See your propane supplier to obtain one.
  • If you smell a leak, immediately evacuate everyone from the building and call your local propane supplier or the fire department from your neighbor's phone. DO NOT remain in the building, DO NOT use the house telephone, DO NOT use light switches, and DO NOT try to determine the source of the leak by yourself.
  • Be aware of where gas service lines are located, especially when working in your yard.
  • Water can damage the internal safety mechanism in the gas controls of an appliance. If you suspect that your appliance gas controls may have gotten wet (because of flooding, for example), have a trained technician replace them immediately.

Heating Appliances

  • All furnaces can collect lint and dirt and should be cleaned regularly. Contact your local propane supplier for information on proper cleaning, and follow the manufacturer's instructions.

Water Heaters

  • Drain your tank periodically (until water runs clean – usually 2 to 3 gallons) to get rid of sediment buildup on the bottom of the tank.


  • Have your unit serviced if the burner flame is not blue. The blue flame indicates complete combustion. A yellow flame means air inlets are clogged or burners need adjustment. Contact your propane supplier's service department immediately. Do not cover the oven bottom with foil – it can restrict air circulation.
  • Never use gas ranges for home heating.
  • The following links provide additional safety information from the Propane Exceptional Energy website and will open in a new browner window

Consumer Preparedness

Energy – Saving Tips for Your Home

Home Heating

  • Residential heating systems need regular tune-ups. 
  • Change your furnace filter monthly. Clean filters will save you money on your heating bill.
  • Consider investing in a furnace thermostat timer that can save money by lowering your home's temperature when you are not at home.
  • Protect against drafts around windows and doors by caulking and weather-stripping.
  • If you are purchasing a fireplace, consider selecting one fueled by propane. Propane fireplaces burn more efficiently than wood-burning models and distribute heat more evenly throughout the room.

Water Heaters

  • You can save more than 10 percent on your water-heating bill by turning down your water heater from the standard 140 degrees to 130 degrees.
  • Ask about an on demand hot water heater which only heats the water as needed.
  • To extend your water heater's life and increase energy efficiency, drain it every six months to remove lime deposits and sediment.
  • Install flow-restricting showerheads. You can reduce hot water usage by up to 50 percent without affecting shower pressure.
  • Repair leaky faucets. A leak that fills a coffee cup in 10 minutes wastes 3,200 gallons of water a year.

Home Appliances

  • Gas ranges with electronic ignition systems will use 40 percent less energy than a standing pilot system.
  • Be sure that all burners are burning with a blue, cone-shaped flame. A yellow flame indicates clogged air inlets or burners that need adjustment. Contact your propane supplier's service department immediately if you do not see a blue flame.
  • Check the seal on your oven door. Gaps or tears in the seal will let heat escape and waste energy.